A Wedding Prayer for Susannah & Rob

A prayer given on the occasion of Susannah’s marriage to Robert White.

Eternal God and our loving heavenly Father,

As the old passes away and the future opens its gates, may this marriage become a place of depth, grace and care, one for the other. As the old passes away and life finds new meaning may this marriage show others faith, hope and love, two for all others.

As we reflect on the passing of the old, we thank you for all those who cared for us and influenced us in the past – and as we do so, we remember with special gratitude loved ones no longer with us, who have passed through death into your everlasting life.

As we reflect on the passing of the old, many of us remember the day when we made our vows one to the other – and as we do so, we pray that you will strengthen our life together and deepen our commitment to one another.

As we journey into the future, we thank you that we do not make the journey alone, for you are there – so may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day.

As we look to the future, we are mindful of all those who suffer even while we rejoice – speed the day when people everywhere will live in peace and in the knowledge of your love.

In the name of Jesus.